Meet Our Team

Board of Directors

Raquel A. Ramirez M.S., MPH

President | CEO

In alignment with her passion to improve conditions in underserved communities, Raquel pursued a career in Health Sciences and Public Health. She holds a Masters in Neuroscience from University of South Florida and a Masters in Public Health from George Washington University. Raquel has utilized her educational, scientific research and global health background to be an asset to the field of public health and underserved communities in the state of Georgia.

"Darem's goal is not only to empower underserved communities to take charge of their own health, and through education help them lead healthy lives, but to also encourage others to give back in their communities"

Daniela Aguirre M.S., MPH, CPH

Secretary | Social Media

Daniela is a Public Health Specialist with experience in health program management and a background in Global Health and Infection Control. Her desire to help elicit changes in communities, especially when it comes to the health of populations in need, lead her to pursue a Masters in Public Health from the University of South Florida. Between 2018 and 2020, Daniela served as a Health Educator with Peace Corps Mongolia, where she lead a community hand washing campaign weeks before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Paola Rojas

Public Relations

Paola has a bachelors degree in International Relations from Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) and a Masters Degree in Commerce and Marketing from Macquarie University (Australia). She brings her experience from the private sector where she has worked as a Business Development and Marketing Manager. Her enthusiasm for helping and giving back to the community lead her to the decision of joining Darem's team.

Advisory Board

Sylvia Shin M.D.

Nilda Iris Alejandro


Felipe Hurtado

Angela M. Raigoza