Teaching Teens About Stress

On June 27, Darem had the opportunity to talk to teens about managing stress in partnership with Centerpeace of Life (www.centerpeaceoflife.org), a non-profit organization that provides underserved communities with resources to improve their lives. This webinar was provided to adolescents at More than Conquerors, Inc., an organization that empowers teens in at risk communities through enrichment programs and activities to build their lives, keep them out of undesirable activities and help them become assets in their communities. If you wish to learn more about their mission, visit www.mtciga.org 

Our webinar created an opportunity for teens to learn the specifics about stress such as: What is Stress, What is the Basic Biology and Physiology Behind It, How It Presents, How It Affects Us, and most importantly, What Can We Do About It. Teens also had the opportunity to discuss not only on the importance of keeping track of their mental health, but also received tools that will allow them to manage their stress and help them identify risk factors. Teens were very engaged in the conversation and excited to learn about new ways to improve their mental health, manage their stressors, and even support their peers. 

Thank you Centerpeace of Life and More than Conquerors, Inc. for providing a space to have such important conversations! Looking forward to joining efforts again to continue improving the lives of our communities.

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