Destigmatizing Mental Health

Mental health conditions are becoming an epidemic in our society as more than 51 million adults in the United Sates face the reality of managing a mental illness everyday, and 1 in 6 youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health condition each year. (

Very often people thinks of Mental Health as those instances when we struggle with negative emotions. However, Mental Health is a range of feelings, from states in which one experiences extreme excitement to those in which one experiences extreme despair; and of course all other states in between. Mental Health includes psychological, emotional, physical and social well-being, and is influenced by many internal and external factors such as genetic predisposition to certain conditions and the community in which we live.

Mental Health is a very important part of our overall health and shouldn’t be considered separate from it. Mental health conditions can affect our physical health and vice versa, so seeing the individual as a whole is where we should focus our efforts to improve overall health in the communities. 

Mental health conditions are defined by the length, intensity and how feelings affect lives in general. Having “good” or “bad” days is a normal part of life. However, if negative feelings outweigh the good ones, and get in the way of people living their life, there might be a condition worth attention. Mental conditions are manageable and treatable, with the right support and care, individuals with mental health conditions can go on to live fulfilled lives. 

Unfortunately, there is a big stigma surrounding mental health. Many people who could benefit from mental health support don’t seek these services for various reasons. Cultural, religious, and societal misconceptions play a huge role in the stigma that surround mental health conditions. Additionally, the abundance of misinformation and the normalizing of mental struggles put many individuals at higher risk of deteriorating their own mental health. When mental health conditions go unnoticed, untreated, or they are simply “swept under the rug,” they may affect every other aspect of an individual’s life (relationships, work/school, financial, etc) causing additional stresses which leads to the worsening of mental health conditions. This can perpetuate unhealthy cycles that many times put individual’s lives at risk as they seek to “escape” or “relief” through dangerous behaviors. 

Mental health concerns should never be ignored. Playing an active role in our own mental health is as important as it is in our physical health. Staying active and practicing self-care (however that looks to each individual) can help us deal with the struggles we face daily. It can also help us become aware of our own mental health status, which is essential in order to identify when we might need to seek support.  

At Darem we want to do our part by educating the public about mental health, help fight stigma and advocate for policies that support individuals with mental health conditions. We want to highlight the importance of support, treatment and access to adequate quality care as key influencing factors in the fight against mental health conditions.

If you believe you or anyone you know needs help go to for helplines, resources and guides on how to find the support you need.