Mental Health Workshop for Colombian Girls & Teens

On the morning of January 5, 2023, Darem had the pleasure of presenting a much needed Mental Health workshop to 45 girls and teens residing at Casa de La Chinca in Medellin, Colombia. During this activity we discussed mental health topics with the participants, and gave them useful tools to understand their mental state and enhance their wellbeing. 

Casa de La Chinca is a “home of opportunities” housing 50 low-income girls and female teens, aged 8-18, who are either under state care or whose families are unable to provide care. A high percentage of these girls/teens have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Many, however, still lack an understanding of their diagnosis and are unaware of the tools available to successfully cope with their mental illnesses.

We focused our efforts on bringing an interactive and fun workshop that provided accurate information in a light-hearted and friendly manner. The workshop was designed in 2 stages: 1) A brief introduction to mental health generalities, and 2) A four-station activity exploring a mental health exercise. Each of the four stations covered topics on emotions, values, my support circle, and resiliency. The girls/teens were eager to participate and contribute to each station, creating an interactive and enriching experience. We closed the workshop by providing the girls/teens with a diary, a pen and a stress ball to practice some of the exercises introduced during the workshop.   

At Darem, we would like to give a special thanks to Casa de La Chinca for opening their doors to allow us to spend some time with these amazing girls/teens! To learn more about Casa de La Chinca visit their website at

Thank you to our amazing volunteers, Felipe Hurtado, Angela Raigoza and Maria Eugenia Ramirez. It wouldn’t have been possible without your dedication! 

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